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  1. Sunday's Tweets
    08:45 @cbglacier Dunno about the other guys, but @mariancall puts on one hell of a show...
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  2. Saturday's Tweets
    13:34 RT @JohnRossBowie: Elijah's gone...
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  3. Friday's Tweets
    16:29 @mariancall I did notice the resemblance...
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  4. Thursday's Tweets
    16:11 Visit to Sequoia Natl Park in early April not the best idea...
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  5. Wednesday's Tweets
    08:55 @petersagal How many Microsoft engineers does it take to change a #lightbulb...
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  6. Tuesday's Tweets
    12:37 Test to see if I believe in jynxes: Just back from a first interview at a software firm...
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  7. Monday's Tweets
    11:33 Watching The Flog on @GeekandSundry...
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  8. Sunday's Tweets
    08:44 Am I just cranky, or are this year's April Fool stunts particularly lame and annoying...
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  9. Saturday's Tweets
    08:12 Mad Magazine on the iPad...
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  10. Friday's Tweets
    08:18 @VictoriaDahl I've read (okay, listened to) both books, and I still found those trailers disturbing...
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  11. Thursday's Tweets
    09:54 Is @Delta really an advertiser on Rush's bilgefest...
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  12. Wednesday's Tweets
    07:55 @alwayscoffee Winchester House is right down the road from me...
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  13. Tuesday's Tweets
    15:01 Holy nostalgia, Batman...
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  14. Monday's Tweets
    11:59 RT @TheTweetOfGod: "Ontario Legalizes Brothels...
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  15. Sunday's Tweets
    08:41 Looks like today's photo shoot won't happen...
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  16. Saturday's Tweets
    09:16 I have a new favorite web comic...
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  17. Friday's Tweets
    08:32 RT @wilw: Dear Geraldo Rivera: Small words so you can follow...
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  18. Thursday's Tweets
    13:02 @alwayscoffee Look on the bright side, Ali...
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  19. Wednesday's Tweets
    13:30 Finally got to play with the new iPad...
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  20. Tuesday's Tweets
    11:29 Piece by @gruber explains my contempt for Mike Daisey...
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  21. Monday's Tweets
    06:31 Reading @Molly23's tweets, I can only conclude that it's possible to find someone adorable and disturbing at one and the same time...
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  22. Sunday's Tweets
    15:40 So maybe telling Puerto Ricans to learn English wasn't a winning strategy...
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  23. Saturday's Tweets
    18:13 RT @MarvinEQuasniki: Was going to prepare a statement about Santorum's war on porn, but started Googling and got...
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  24. Friday's Tweets
    08:47 Spent yesterday at a http://t...
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  25. Thursday's Tweets
    10:17 Sitting in a http://t...
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  26. Wednesday's Tweets
    07:38 @altonbrown Perfect food show...
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  27. Tuesday's Tweets
    15:57 Big hunk of corned beef simmering on the stove...
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  28. Monday's Tweets
    10:11 Bill Maher is an idiot with a microphone...
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  29. Saturday's Tweets
    08:50 @VictoriaDahl Sounds like a win-win to me...
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  30. Wednesday's Tweets
    12:05 An intelligent & articulate response from @VictoriaDahl to all the wingnut blather about birth control...
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