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  1. Monday's Tweets
    11:57 Ewww...
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  2. Sunday's Tweets
    20:08 RT @OwlFeathersInc: Way More Than You Ever Wanted to Know About Animaniacs | Mental Floss http://t...
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  3. Saturday's Tweets
    17:59 The Retina MacBook Pro is amazing...
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  4. Friday's Tweets
    10:49 So to be clear, Ron Paul did consort with bigots, but he didn't any more, but now he does again...
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  5. Thursday's Tweets
    05:36 Crawling through traffic toward O'Hare...
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  6. Wednesday's Tweets
    09:53 @TheAshleyClem Let me add to the list of birthday greetings...
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  7. Monday's Tweets
    12:05 Surprise...
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  8. Saturday's Tweets
    10:04 This is amazing: Paul Ryan's austerity budget based on crappy error-prone Excel spreadsheet...
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  9. Wednesday's Tweets
    09:48 Had my first encounter with a bacon/maple doughnut at Voodoo Donuts...
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  10. Tuesday's Tweets
    21:32 That Java talk I gave at the Portland JUG aka http://t...
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  11. Monday's Tweets
    08:05 I just backed Code Monkey Save World on @Kickstarter...
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  12. Sunday's Tweets
    07:12 RT @theloop: 'The PC industry is digging its own grave' http://t...
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  13. Saturday's Tweets
    07:29 3 hours waiting to talk to Rob, Jess & Tress, AKA Yakko, Wakko & Dot...
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  14. Friday's Tweets
    09:18 UK medical journal admits they may have been hasty in trashing researcher's work...
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  15. Thursday's Tweets
    07:36 Don't think I've ever purchased their products, and now I'm glad of it...
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  16. Wednesday's Tweets
    16:24 @yakkopinky You're all cute, but she's clearly the cutest...
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  17. Tuesday's Tweets
    17:27 Seems to be my day for resolving problems on the phone...
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  18. Sunday's Tweets
    13:06 @mariancall I don't think they're trapped in your phone...
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  19. Saturday's Tweets
    09:29 Relief when none of my stock photos show up in collections like this: (racial misprofiling) http://t...
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  20. Friday's Tweets
    02:55 RT @nprscottsimon: Think I'll hang this line from @ebertchicago in my office: "Jargon is the last refuge of the scoundrel...
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  21. Thursday's Tweets
    11:54 Slo-mo video of glass exploding...
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  22. Wednesday's Tweets
    07:01 A baby with a lightsaber...
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  23. Tuesday's Tweets
    10:58 @JackieKessler For tech talks I use PowerPoint...
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  24. Monday's Tweets
    13:16 2b...
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  25. Sunday's Tweets
    14:11 Today's @Southwest Ding...
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  26. Saturday's Tweets
    00:13 @Lomara But I've been enjoying mainlining the series...
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  27. Friday's Tweets
    10:28 Worst example of cultural insensitivity ever, Congressional Edition...
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  28. Thursday's Tweets
    11:45 Is it bigotry to hate bigotry and those who practice it...
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  29. Wednesday's Tweets
    10:19 "Justice Clarence Thomas did not speak during the arguments...
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  30. Tuesday's Tweets
    08:07 Rush says lesbians are obese substance abusers...
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