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  1. Wednesday's Tweets
    06:21 @Brian_Cowie I like the D800 a lot...
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  2. Tuesday's Tweets
    07:07 Suddenly this morning I'm getting tons of #FF tweets from Balinese bands...
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  3. Monday's Tweets
    11:09 Romney campaign promises to get more specific, won't provide specifics about that either...
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  4. Sunday's Tweets
    09:27 RT @TPMLiveWire: Christine O'Donnell: I'm Considering Running For Senate In 2014 http://t...
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  5. The Whole Fanboy Thing
    I was up until midnight Thursday night, waiting for Apple to reenable their website so I could get in my order for an iPhone 5...
    [filed under aapl]
  6. Saturday's Tweets
    16:26 I can't believe I don't have a single shot like these in my stock portfolio...
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  7. Friday's Tweets
    07:18 @macosken Glad I got my order in early...
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  8. Thursday's Tweets
    08:12 Now that the Nikon D600 has been announced, I'm feeling better about my D800...
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  9. Wednesday's Tweets
    09:29 While we wait for the iPhone announcement, here's a trashbag Gollum falling into Mount Doom: http://t...
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  10. Tuesday's Tweets
    09:10 At the car dealer...
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  11. Monday's Tweets
    09:51 A lifelong Republican finally gets a clue, discovers everything he knew is wrong...
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  12. Sunday's Tweets
    04:08 Out in the field even earlier thus morning, among the first to arrive...
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  13. This is How Wars Get Started
    This weekend I was in Reno for the Great Reno Balloon Race, a hot air balloon event I have enjoyed a few times before...
    [filed under life]
  14. Saturday's Tweets
    04:29 4:30 ayem and I'm standing in a field in Reno...
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  15. Friday's Tweets
    06:52 A piece of birthday advice: silence both your iPhone & your iPad or face an early morning series of Facebook interruptions...
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  16. Thursday's Tweets
    10:19 Repug ad with disillusioned Obama supporter is a lie...
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  17. Wednesday's Tweets
    14:46 Paul Ryan: run faster, climb higher than most anybody...
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  18. Tuesday's Tweets
    13:58 Fascinating article about user experience online and in apps...
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  19. Monday's Tweets
    10:21 RT @GOPLeader Today, we celebrate those who have taken a risk, worked hard, built a business and earned their own success...
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  20. Sunday's Tweets
    19:19 @AnneWheaton Doesn't that tickle...
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  21. Saturday's Tweets
    15:53 @paulandstorm @PFTompkins @letsgetshort @janiehaddad That explains it...
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  22. Friday's Tweets
    18:04 One man performs Les Miz, and very well indeed...
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  23. Thursday's Tweets
    07:44 RT @KeithOlbermann: When Fox calls a GOP'er a liar, he's a liar #LyinRyan http://t...
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  24. Wednesday's Tweets
    05:27 Dan Quayle's son loses his House primary...
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  25. Tuesday's Tweets
    06:01 @petersagal I like Echofon...
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  26. Monday's Tweets
    06:08 VP nominee Paul Ryan declares rape a method of conception...
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  27. Saturday's Tweets
    10:16 Studio shoot this morning...
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  28. Friday's Tweets
    14:55 I've heard of people who keep fighting the last war (Civil War much...
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  29. Thursday's Tweets
    15:28 Must what...
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  30. Tuesday's Tweets
    06:58 RT @JustaSunGod: The infinite is possible...
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