4/18/2000 The makers of these wireless
devices are placing big bets on Java as the foundation of that
wireless Internet. Implementing Java on portable, low-power devices
poses its own challenges, however.
By: Hank Shiffman, JEDI Technologies Inc.
Contents Java
as an application platform Java:
the downside The
Java coprocessor: easy augmentation In
silicon: small footprint, overhead Wireless
Java in a nutshell
According to market predictions provided by cell phone maker
Nokia, by the year 2004 there will be 600 million users of
Internet-connected cell phones worldwide. This number is significant
for two reasons. First, it represents a leap from near zero in 1999
to half the 1.2 billion phones in use in less than five years.
Second, at about that same moment, there will be more cell phones on
the net than PCs.
Widespread implementation of handheld Internet applications will
require the creation of an adequate platform. For the handheld
Internet to succeed it needs software. And getting a large volume of
software requires a standard platform, one that lets developers
build their applications without having to create a special version
for each manufacturer‰s device. The lesson of compatible and almost
compatible PCs is clear: any amount of extra effort required to
support a nonstandard product is too much.
Getting to a PC standard required computer makers to accept major
compromises and to ‹innovate at the edges,Š leaving the major
decisions to Intel, Microsoft, and a few others. The challenge for
handheld makers will be to achieve a standard without compromising
on essential features. When designing a device requires trading off
size and weight, power consumption, performance, cost and user
features, it is unlikely that a single standard hardware platform
could serve every requirement. However, a single software platform
does exists in Java.
top Java as an application platform As a
programming language Java has many virtues. Java offers portability
by inserting another level of software below the application program
and above the operating system and hardware. This is the Java
virtual machine (VM), a conceptual computer with its own instruction
set in the form of Java byte code and its own collection of standard
libraries and operating system services. Applications built for the
Java VM will execute on any system that supports a compatible VM,
allowing the same piece of code to run on smart cards,
supercomputers and anything in between.
Java has other benefits for wireless platforms, such as
compactness and verifiability. Compactness refers to the fact that
Java byte code for a given application takes up less room than the
native code of most any processor. Java instructions are both high
level (often implementing complex concepts as a single operation)
and have varying lengths. This combination permits typical
applications to require just 1/8 the memory needed by typical RISC
microprocessors. Compact code has two benefits in wireless devices:
first, it allows larger and more complex applications to fit into
the device‰s limited storage; second, it dramatically reduces the
time required to transfer those applications into the device from
the network.
Verifiability refers to the ability of a Java VM to determine
whether a piece of code violates the rules of acceptable practice
and, if necessary, to reject it as posing a security risk. It is
easy to restrict a Java application‰s ability to do damage. In fact,
Java‰s security mechanisms make it possible to define as many levels
of security as we might want and to know that a program can‰t do
anything more than we have permitted. For example, if a program
requests Game Privilege, for example, we can know that it will never
try to read or write any data beyond the single file containing the
game‰s high scores.
top Java: the downside All of these benefits of
Java come at a price: the speed with which Java applications run.
Sun‰s original Java VMÖa fairly straightforward implementation of a
byte code interpreterÖran code anywhere from twenty to fifty times
slower than the same computer could run native code. But it wasn‰t
long before a combination of smarter run-time libraries and just in
time translators to native code, usually referred to as JIT
compilers, reduced the performance penalty to between two and ten
times. (Specific application performance is a function of the mix of
instruction execution and the use of library code, making a single
performance figure difficult to derive.) Still, for a wide variety
of applications Java didn‰t need to be as fast as native code; it
just needed to be fast enough for the task at hand. For many
users, it had reached that threshold.
Although native code compilers, JIT compilers and dynamic
derivatives like Sun‰s HotSpot technology have made Java more
performance competitive with native applications in desktop and
server environments, their high memory requirements make them far
less acceptable for wireless devices. If getting the best
performance requires giving up that 8:1 code size reduction, Java
suddenly looks a whole lot less attractive.
If fixing Java‰s performance in software is not practical for
embedded applications, the alternative is to fix it in hardware.
This was the idea behind the Java chip, a new kind of processor that
uses Java byte code as its native instruction set. Java chips would
run Java efficiently, at least as well as JIT solutions, without
requiring all the extra memory a JIT needs for the translated code.
Sun Microsystems was the first to develop such a microprocessor
core, which it called picoJava; others have followed with new
processor designs or by retrofitting existing designs to run Java
byte code.
At this point, Java chips appear to be an evolutionary dead end.
None has achieved performance anywhere close to a comparable
microprocessor armed with a JIT. Most have inferior native code
performance, and native performance still matters. Aside from the
desire to continue to use at least some native applications,
software builders must face the fact that Java is an application
language. It is not capable of handling the low level interfaces
required of a systems programming language. Operating systems,
network interfaces, device controls all still require native code.
Even if Java chips were capable of the highest performance for
both Java and native applications, they would still represent a
difficult choice for device makers. Any new microprocessor requires
a tremendous investment. It means a change in equipment, in all of
the software already in use, in the experience and expertise of the
development team. Just arranging for the porting of existing
software to a new chip requires an investment of millions of dollars
and many years. These are the sorts of costs and risks that are
unlikely to appeal to most designers.
top The Java coprocessor: easy augmentation The
challenge for Java chipmakers is to develop a microprocessor that is
at least as good at native code as existing chips. A simpler
solution, however, is to let existing chips do what they already do
well, and augment them with the ability to run Java. This is
the approach of a Java coprocessor: to treat Java acceleration as a
support function. In this model Java performance becomes an
enhancement to a microprocessor, much as we use floating-point
accelerators and graphics engines.
There are two approaches in use today for Java coprocessors. One
is similar to a Java chip; the coprocessor does all the work when
running Java and the main processor handles all the native code. A
second approach attempts to maximize the value of the main
processor. It uses the Java coprocessor for the VM‰s main
instruction processing loop, fetching Java byte code instructions,
decoding them, translating them to native instructions and managing
the Java program counter and the operand stack. All of the real
computation for the application takes place inside the native CPU.
This is the approach taken by the JSTAR accelerator developed by
JEDI Technologies Inc (Santa Clara, CA). JSTAR is an instruction
path coprocessor that was designed to reside on the same chip as a
native microprocessor. Situated between the native processor core
and its memory system, it operates as a kind of switch between Java
and native modes. When native code is being executed JSTAR is idle;
instructions are fetched from cache or memory and processed as

Figure 1: Caption: Java provides an open platform for
wireless applications even when hardware doesn‰t. A new solution
uses a Java-specific function block called JSTAR to speed
Java-Native Code translation without requiring application code
JSTAR becomes active whenever control switches from native code
to Java byte code. In this mode JSTAR intercepts instruction
requests from the native CPU. Instead of fetching native
instructions, JSTAR uses its own Java program counter to fetch byte
code instructions and convert them into native code for execution by
the native core. JSTAR handles many of the housekeeping functions of
Java, relieving the native CPU of the more time consuming aspects of
byte code interpretation.
top In silicon: small footprint, overhead An
important aspect of this coprocessor approach is that it requires
minimal software support. JSTAR requires a modification to the Java
VM to initialize it and then give it control of the main instruction
processing loop; all other software, both Java and native, runs
without any customization. The story is similar regarding hardware.
A microprocessor with JSTAR occupies a pin-for-pin identical package
with the original chip, requiring no board redesign to accommodate
its additional capabilities.
The current implementation of JSTAR requires 30,000 gates and
45,000 bits of memory to support a 32-bit single-issue
microprocessor. This translates to one square millimeter of silicon
using a .18µ process, making JSTAR-equipped chips practical for a
wide variety of devices. Power requirements are also suitable for
wireless devices. JSTAR requires roughly 18 milliwatts of power at
100 megahertz (1.5 V), which represents 15% over the requirements of
the original chip. During native code execution JSTAR can be shut
down completely, reducing its power requirements to leakage levels
of a few microwatts.
With this small increase in power consumption comes significant
performance benefits. JSTAR running on a MIPS R3000 class processor
with Sun‰s PersonalJava 3.0 and Wind River‰s VxWorks RTOS shows a 7X
acceleration on Pendragon Software‰s CaffeineMark 3.0 benchmark as
compared to the same hardware/software combination running an
unaided Java interpreter. Work is in progress to convert JSTAR to
other microprocessor designs, as well as to adapt other Java virtual
machines to it.
top Wireless Java in a nutshell It is clear
that makers of wireless devices need Java or something very much
like it if they are to exploit the power and flexibility of the
Internet. It is just as clear that Java needs both hardware and
software support if it is to fulfill its potential as the common
software platform for these devices. Java has tremendous flexibility
and appeal. What is left is to adapt it to the needs of small,
power-limited devices. A small coprocessor like JSTAR offers the
best combination of performance and efficiency for Java in its role
in wireless applications.
About the author: Hank Shiffman is Java Technologist at
JEDI Technologies Inc., a developer of Java acceleration technology
for wireless and other embedded applications. He may be contacted at
[email protected] or via the company‰s website at