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Monday's Tweets

10:18 Company fires employee for charging Segway at work. Court says they're way out of line. http://bit.ly/cMp48h
16:09 Best. Bumper. Stickers. Ever. http://dlvr.it/59vxB
16:17 RT @grantimahara: If you go to #w00tstock SF this week, you will see the world debut of my NEW #BeerBot. Just sayin'! http://bit.ly/w00tSF
16:20 Have a phone interview tomorrow morning. Keep a good thought.
17:30 @mariancall Animal. Gotta be.
18:03 Wired says the Web is dead. But what do they know? http://bit.ly/9TefKo
18:07 HS suspends student: red eyes = pothead. Uh, no; his dad had been murdered. http://bit.ly/aKgkbg
19:13 Something tells me there are some bitter @iStock artists out there. "You don't need money!" http://bit.ly/d0ghcf